Looking for Spirax Sarco products and services?

리소스 및 디자인 도구

스팀 테이블, CAD 도면, 모델 라이브러리, 계산기 및 사이징 도구를 비롯해, 매우 포괄적이고 종합적인 스팀 엔지니어링 도구를 탐색해 보십시오.

  • Volume 1

    Sections 1-7 including: Product overview, Our capabilities, Boiler house, Flowmetering, Control systems, Compressed air products, Heat transfer solutions, General information

  • Volume 2

    Sections 8-11 including: Steam traps, Condensate pumps, Pipeline ancillaries, Humidification products

  • New 3D CAD Model Library (hosted by Traceparts)

    This library of 3D models is hosted by TraceParts and a new account will be required. It is possible to search for and filter products using many different attributes. The models can be downloaded for free in over 60 different file formats. It is also possible to quickly and easily request quotes for products through the site.

  • Request a new 3D Model

    If the 3D CAD Models that you require are not currently available on the New 3D CAD Model Library site and you'd like to request they be added, please click on the link above to contact our CAD enquiries team and include the details of the product you'd like a model for including the product name, the connection type and the connection size.